Resources and Useful Reading Suggestions
Much useful information and guidance concerning all aspects of family separation - http://www.resolution.org.uk
Parenting Through Separation (PDF link)
For information concerning pensions on divorce - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUh0Zuh1xbI
Youtube Link - The Voice of the Child of Divorce
A useful resource for both parents and older children/young people dealing with separation – There are suggestions as to how to have a conversation with them over what is happening and on troubleshooting when emotional difficulties arise. https://www.voicesinthemiddle.com/
Voices in the Middle:
Books about process:
Divorce without court by Katherine Stoner
A client’s guide to a collaborative divorce by Gillian Bishop
Which: Divorce and Splitting Up by Imogen Clout – legal & financial guide
Family courts without a lawyer by Lucy Reid
Books about Parenting:
Putting Children First by Karen and Nick Woodall
We’re still Family by Constance Aurons
Helping your kids to cope with Divorce in the Sandcastles Way by Gary Neuman
Divorce Book for Parents by Vicki Lansky
Parenting Apart by Christina McGhee
Emotional support:
How to have a Healthy Divorce by Paula Hall (Relate)
Moving on: Breaking up without Breaking down (Relate)
Finding your way through divorce by Jill Curtis
Jigsaw puzzle family; the step kid’s guide to fitting it together by Cynthia MaGregor Step Families (Relate)
Step families:
Mum and Dad glue by Kes Gray
Two of everything by Babette Cole
I don't want to talk about it by Jeanie Franz Ranson
Books for younger children
The Divorce Help book for Kids by Cynthia MacGregor
Mom’s house, Dad’s House When parents separate by Isolina Ricci
The Worry Website by Jacqueline Wilson
When parents slip by Glynis Good